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Planning: Creating a custom fertiliser blend
Planning: Creating a custom fertiliser blend

Create custom fertiliser blends that are utilised in your Agworld activities.

Written by Michelle Kelly
Updated over 3 months ago

Users can access the Custom Blend tool in the Agworld web application. Create an Agworld activity such as a work order and add a Custom Blend activity input. From there, simply create a Blend Set of ingredients and choose the target application rates for each nutrient to create a custom blended fertiliser. Each blend is automatically saved and can be reused by any user in the company.

Video - Introduction to Custom Blend tool -


  • How is the new Custom Blend activity input different from the mobile app’s blend calculator?

    • The Custom Blend calculator on the mobile app is functionally distinct from the new Custom Blend tool on the web. The calculator is just a way to calculate how much of each product a user should add as an input to an activity. The Custom Blend tool in the web app creates a single blended-product input for an Agworld activity. The Custom Blend tool is web-only for now.

  • How is the custom blend calculated?

    • The final blend is calculated to include no less than the target rate of each nutrient. This means that the calculated rate of one nutrient will always equal the target rate and all other nutrients will be equal to or greater than their target rates depending on the percentage of each product included from the blend set.

  • Does the custom blend use all products from the blend set?

    • In cases where multiple blends are possible, the least expensive combination of products (based on price) will be used in the final blend. This includes using fewer products than are available in the blend set.

  • Can I force a certain product to be used from the blend set?

    • Yes. Set the Min % (minimum percentage) of that product input to a value greater than zero.

  • Who can see my custom blends?

    • All users in your company group can see and re-use Recent blends that have been saved to an Agworld activity.

  • Where does the price of the custom blend come from after being saved in the activity?

    • It’s a total of the price for each of the products that make up the blend per unit applied.

  • Where do I add pricing?

    • If the products in your blend set are in your Price Management page with a price set, this price will pull into the custom blend. If you don’t have pricing set for these products in your Price Management page, you can add prices at the time of creating the custom blend.

  • How can I reuse the same custom blend on another activity?

    • Select a custom blend from the Recent Blends tab on the left side of the custom blend form

  • Can I add new inputs to the custom blend on the fly in the activity form?

    • Yes, choose your input from the New Inputs dropdown menu to add to the current blend set.

  • Can I delete a product from my blend set?

    • Yes, choose the trash bin icon to remove the product from your blend

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