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Importing data: How to format csv's to import into Agworld
Importing data: How to format csv's to import into Agworld

To import a csv in Agworld as sample results or harvest data, the date must be in ISO 8601 format

Adam Jungwirth avatar
Written by Adam Jungwirth
Updated over 2 years ago

Formatting date in excel:

  1. Select the data in the date column

    1. Tip πŸ’‘To quickly select all the data, highlight the first cell below the heading then press control, shift, and down arrow keys at the same time

  2. Right click anywhere in the selected cells

  3. From the pop up menu, left click Format Cells...

  4. Select Custom format and enter either:

    1. yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm

  5. Click Ok to apply

  6. Once this format is added, it will be selectable in the future

    1. Excel sorts alphabetically, so this will appear near the bottom

Formatting date in google sheets:

  1. Select the data in the date column

    1. Tip πŸ’‘To quickly select all the data, highlight the first cell below the heading then press control, shift, and down arrow keys at the same time

  2. Click on the "123β–Ό (More formats) button on the toolbar

  3. Select Custom data and time and enter the following:

    1. Click on the down arrow and select one of the following options:

    2. 'Year'-'Month'-'Day'

      1. Make sure to copy below if you do not want to include time

    3. 'Year-'Month'-'Day' Hour:Minute

      1. Make sure to copy below if you would like to include time

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